Internet Projects
for Secondary Schools

WS 03/04


Emil - Thoma RS
Lessing RS
RS Stegen
Wentzinger RS
RS Löffingen
Gymnasium Rieselfeld
Gymnasium Titisee


.: Sports and Music :.

Searching the internet for information

(The time data in brackets is just meant as a suggestion. You don't have to stick to it exactly. But you have to keep your overall time which is 85 mins)

Part 1: sports:

Task 1 (15 mins):

Go to the following homepage(Summer X-Games 2003):


Try to answer the following questions(take notes):

1. Which kinds of sport are included in the X-games?
2. What do you think is so special about the X-Games compared to other sport events?(Think of music, fashion, the crowds , age of the competitors etc. )

Task 2 (15 mins):

Can you think of other extreme sports?
Would you like to do some x-sports yourself. Which ones? Why? Discuss with your group members and take notes!
You can also have a look at:

http://www.calextremesports.com/ and

http://www.720ice.com/index.htm for more information.

Task 3 (15 mins)

Besides the x-sports, popular sports like American football, ice-hockey, baseball and basketball are also practiced in California.
Choose one of the following professional teams and find out more about their history, their current success, their stars, their fans, their stadium, ticket prices etc.

- American football: San Francisco 49ers (http://www.sf49ers.com)
- Ice-hockey: Los Angeles Kings (http://www.lakings.com/)
- Baseball: Anaheim Angels (http://anaheim.angels.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/index.jsp?c_id=ana)
- Basketball: Los Angeles Lakers (http://www.nba.com/lakers/ )

Part 2: Music

Task 1 (10 mins): Californian folk music from the 1930's

Listen to the following songs and compare them. Think especially about the language and the titles. What do they tell about the singers?

1) "Antonico (Mexican) "
(http://memory.loc.gov/afc/afccc/audio/a388/a3880b2.mp3 )

2) "My father and mother were Irish"

Task 2 (10 mins): Modern music from California.

Watch the video "Where is the love" from the Californian group "Black Eyed Peas" on
yahoo launch!

What do you think is the song about? Discuss with your group members.

Task 3 (20 mins)

Now have a look at the lyrics of the song! (http://www.anysonglyrics.com/lyrics/b/blackeyedpeas/whereisthelove.htm )

1 ) What do the singers of the song worry about? Give examples!
2) What is the "big question" in the song?
3)Whom do they expect help from?
4) Do you think the worries and fears that are mentioned in the song are justified? Why? Why not? Discuss!