Internet Projects
for Secondary Schools

WS 03/04


Emil - Thoma RS
Lessing RS
RS Stegen
Wentzinger RS
RS Löffingen
Gymnasium Rieselfeld
Gymnasium Titisee


.: Yorkshire :.

Topic: Youth Culture

Task 1

What do young people do in Yorkshire today an what are they interested in?
What are the differences to German kids?

YO1: This is a Yorkshire based magazine for younger persons. You could use this page to gain an overview of what interests young people in Yorkshire.

Teenage Clixx is a similar site like YO1 but for kids from 12 to 16 years.

Try to produce a poster that shows your impressions of youth culture in Yorkshire and the differences to Germany.
You can draw or print out some pictures, write some short texts, or even collect some material at home to design your poster.

Task 2

How have the kids in Yorkshire lived during the industrial revolution?

This homepages gives useful information about youth during the industrial revolution.
Just read the following short texts in the links under the headline Life in the Factory. Scavengers, Working Hours, Food in the Factory, Punishments and Accidents.

You don't have to read the interviews on the pages.

Read this Interview with a boy from around 1830 till number 4177. Try to write a similar interview with a boy or a girl nowadays. http://www.cwrl.utexas.edu/~benjamin/316kfall/316kunit2/studentprojectsspring/group1/sadtext.html
You can present the two interviews to the class as a role-play.

Further websites:
For Task 1 http://www.thisisyork.co.uk/york/sport/
For Task 2 http://www.victorianweb.org/history/hist8.html


Keep in mind that you should collect three questions, which are answered, in your presentation.

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