Internet Projects
for Secondary Schools

WS 03/04


Emil - Thoma RS
Lessing RS
RS Stegen
Wentzinger RS
RS Löffingen
Gymnasium Rieselfeld
Gymnasium Titisee


.: Christmas Traditions :.

Task 1: Which Christmas traditions do you know?

What is Christmas like in your family?


OK! Let's find out about Christmas traditions in English speaking countries.

Task 2: What is Christmas? How is it celebrated in Great Britain?

You can find this information in:

Are there any interesting facts about Christmas in Great Britain you would like to present in the end?

Who created the websites? (Webmaster?)

Task 3: Christmas around the world: Here are some English speaking countries, which celebrate Christmas all in their special way:

USA, South Africa,Ireland, Australia,New Zealand, Canada

You can find these countries on the following websites:


What is special?

How old are these traditions or where did they start?

Choose three or four of your most interesting facts. Can you find matching pictures?

With this search engine you can look especially for pictures:



Task 4: Choose the most interesting facts you would like to present to the other groups.

They need to know:
- general information about Christmas
- origin and description of your Facts
- pictures, things

Take notes about things you would like to say.
Decide who presents what and when.
Involve your spectators! (Quiz, Game, …)
Can you act some of the specialities


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