Internet Projects
for Secondary Schools

WS 03/04


Emil - Thoma RS
Lessing RS
RS Stegen
Wentzinger RS
RS Löffingen
Gymnasium Rieselfeld
Gymnasium Titisee


.: Klassenarbeitsblatt :.


Klasse 8
Herr Lauber


Class topic: CALIFORNIA

Imagine you are a reporter for the "National Geographic"; a magazine which explores interesting places all over the world. The magazine wants to print an article about California, an interesting guide to the country and lifestyle of this American state. The whole class collects information about California, each team has a different sub topic (see below).

After your research (internet) you inform your classmates about what you found out. You can present your results as collages, power point presentations, role plays. Any other ideas are welcome!
Time for each presentation: ca. 8 minutes. While you are working on your group topic each team summarizes the most important facts on 3-5 pages (use WinWord).

Try to make it interesting, use pictures, etc. These handouts will be copied for everybody. In the end you will have a complete tour guide.
Try to get into your role as an American journalist, so talk in English during the group work.