Internet Projects
for Secondary Schools

WS 03/04


Emil - Thoma RS
Lessing RS
RS Stegen
Wentzinger RS
RS Löffingen
Gymnasium Rieselfeld
Gymnasium Titisee


.: Hollywood :.

Do you already know something about Hollywood? Maybe you find it on that website! Maybe you will now already read or see something that you want to present to the others later on...

Go to the website: www.seeing-stars.com
Explore the website! Click on the topics that you find interesting!

If there is a page that interests you a lot, then write down the "web address" on a sheet of paper, so you can return on that page later on!

There is one famous sign for Hollywood…Click on "Hollywood Landmarks". Then click as often as you can on the picture that shows the big letters 'HOLLYWOOD' on the mountain until you see it as a big picture. Print it out for your presentation!



Now, go to:


What can you find out about:

- Walk of Fame (A)
- Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel (B)
- Hollywood and Highland (E) ?

Choose three more! buildings or places along that road that you want to include in your presentation!
Find good pictures of those places and print them. They will make your presentation much more interesting!

Go to: http://www.seeing-stars.com/Streets/HollywoodBlvdRebirth.shtml
and find out why tourists are often disappointed when they arrive at Hollywood Boulevard for the first time.


Go to http://www.seeing-stars.com/Studios/index.shtml
-What so special about 'Universal Studios'?
Name three films for which Universal Studios created special effects!
You can find that information on http://themeparks.universalstudios.com/hollywood/website/index.html
- What sort of films are made in ' Walt Disney Studios'?
Write down two films you know of that were produced there!
- Read the first paragraph about 'Paramount Studios' and write down what's so special about them!


Do you have a favorite Hollywood Star? Talk about them in your group. Then choose one that you want report on in your presentation.

Presentation and brochure:
Don't forget that you will have to present your work to the whole class on the last day of the project. Each group has 8 minutes for that.
Collect some ideas on how you want to do this:
Do you want to make some posters, write a report or perform a role play?
Remember that you will have to hand in 2-5 pages for your magazine 'The National Geographic'. That means: some written lines about your topic and some photographs.


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